Monday, May 9, 2011
Choose Thy Love, Love Thy Choice
What a powerful statement, "Choose Thy Love, Love Thy Choice"~ President Gordon B. Hinkley. As I look back at the last 22 years of my life I felt an overwhelming thought of how did I make it this far? It only takes a moment to know that it is with the Lords help that we get thru each day, each week, each month, each year. This is how I made it, and I will continue to make it with his help. I want to remember the trials of my life, I want to remember the emotions I felt. I want to remember the laughter, the tears and everything in between. Not to feel sorry for my self but to remember the blessings that follow the trials. I married Rob June 1st 1989 . Life was about to begin. I did choose my love, and I did love my choice. I always have and I hope I always will. My thoughts that day were I knew he would love me Forever. I just knew it! What I didn't know is that life would be hard , some times so hard I didnt want to be here. What a blessing it was to be so in love that I couldn't have possibly thought it would be any different . I can look back over the years with regrets or I can look back and see a girl that through all her trials still did have a Wonderful Life.