Thursday, June 9, 2011

Batter Up!!!!

Today has caused me to really think about where I am going .  I am so truly blessed to have people in my life that help me and encourage me on my way .  I pray that I may be able to do the same for others .  What is my " blueprint " ?  Is the foundation strong and secure ?  What do I need to do to anchor myself ,  make sure I am strong , secure , and moving forward ?  If we are not moving forward will not achieve the things we want .  Whether  it be spiritual , emotional , financial , physical we must move forward . I believe that when we are what the world says " in the right place at the right time " ,  we are really just showing up on time to receive the blessings that were intended for us .  I believe God wants us to come to him with a plan , a plan that has a foundation , strong walls and roof for protection . He wants to know of our desires big and small . He is waiting for us to lay the blueprint out , to let him know of our intentions and then to take action . I believe that as we ask with humble hearts , and gratitude for the blessings we have been given , he will bless us more than we can possibly imagine .  If we live and make decisions where we want to be ,  rather than where we are at , doors will open , blessings will be manifested , and gratitude will be present .  A baseball player steps up to the plate , swings ,  hits a home run , get on base , or strikes out and goes back to the bench .  Either way , the player steps back up to the plate again and again throughout  his career ,  he does not give up. This is what makes life so wonderful... we can come to the plate again and again , if we strike out , we have not failed .  We simply must redirect ourselves and swing again .  Hank Aaron went 0 for 5 his first time at bat with the Milwaukee Braves. And we all know Babe Ruth is famous for his home run record, but for a long time he held the record for the most strike outs. He hit 714 home runs ,  but he had 1330 strike outs in his career, by which he said " every strike brings me closer to the next home run" . So the key is to not focus on our strikeouts but rather on the next home run. Playing in this game called life , we can strike out , and come back to the plate to get that home run and be grateful to live , this WONDERFUL LIFE !

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