Saturday, August 13, 2011

The luckiest girl ever....

I feel so blessed in my life to have what I have...I am so grateful for my 3 precious kids! I don't know what I would do if at the end of the day, I didn't have them. I am more than blessed to work for the man I do..often I wonder what did I do to deserve such a great guy in my life. I would not have made it through this past year with out him...I tell him all the time he is stuck with me for life!! It humbles me to see what the Lord has blessed me with ..great friends and a great family..and people who came in to my life , just when I need them. I was thinking the other day how easy it is to choose to see the good in your life.  To recognize the Lords hand in all things can give you  strength beyond what you can ever imagine. As difficult as this trial is ..there are so many good things to see from it. We had a long life together..we have a ton of good.. fun..crazy.. unforgettable memories. I know that Heavenly Father has a plan... a plan that will someday make me smile, it's just getting there that is so tough. Sometimes I guess we have to go through these trials to learn and grow. I am so grateful that as i trust in the Lord that i find strength to do what I need to do, and I am grateful for my kids that bless each day of my life, it because of them that I can say to my self....You really do...have a WONDERFUL LIFE .